Overall goal:

Consolidate stability in Northern Uganda, eradicate poverty and under-nutrition and strengthen the foundations for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.


1.To increase food security, improve maternal and child nutrition, and enhance household incomes through support to diversified food production and commercial agriculture and through improving household resilience (notably to climate change) and women empowerment.

2. To increase trade of commodities within the region, within the country and with neighbouring countries through the improvement of transport infrastructure.

3.To strengthen capacity, gender-responsive, good governance (core mandate and general broad mandate) and the rule of law at the level of local government authorities and empower communities to participate in improved local service delivery.

About DINU

The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) is a Government of Uganda programme supported by the European Union (EU) and supervised by Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). DINU is a multi-sectoral programme aimed at improving livelihoods in 41 districts in the five sub-regions of Acholi, Karamoja, Lango, Teso and West Nile for a duration of six years (2017-2023).

The programme supports interventions in three specific interlinked sectors: (1) Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods (2) Infrastructures (transport, logistics, water, energy) and (3) Good Governance.

OPM is responsible for the overall supervision of DINU implementation in partnership with local governments and a wide range of stakeholders. In addition, OPM through the DINU Programme Management Unit, manages directly five key activities with government agencies aiming to support: –

  • Youth skilling in agri-business areas (short-term trainings at eight BTVETs: ADRAA Agriculture College, Amelo Technical Institute, Amugo Agro Technical Institute, Ave Maria Vocational Training and Youth Development Centre, Kotido Technical Institute, Lokopio Hills Technical Institute, Nakapiripirit Technical Institute, and Northern Uganda Youth Development Centre).
  • Barazas (51 baraza events conducted by OPM in five districts of Amuria, Moroto, Pader, Oyam and Zombo.
  • Budget Transparency Initiatives (Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development).
  • Uganda Police Force capacities in Karamoja.
  • Local Government Production Departments (short-term trainings at Makerere University – College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences).
  • Improvement of agricultural extension service delivery through rolling out the e-extension and agricultural statistics systems (collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries).

Other key implementing partners are: Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA), GIZ-Germany, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), CARITAS Switzerland, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), CARE-Denmark, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Center for Health Human, Rights and Development (CEHURD), ADOL Health Care Initiative, and DIAKONIA Sweden.